Define a class Employee with the following specifications: PRIVATE DATA MEMBERS: Empno integer type Empname 25 characters BasicPay float type HRA float type DA float type TA float type PF integer type NetSalary float type PUBLIC MEMBERS FUNCTIONS: Employee() Default constructor to initialize data member BasicPay = HRA = DA = TA = PF = NetSalary = 0 Employee(ENo, Ename) Parameterized constructor to accept values for Empno and Empname Employee(BP, HRA, DA, TA, PF) Parameterized constructor to accept values for BasicPay, HRA, DA, TA and PF Calculate() Function to calculate the NetSalary, NetSalary=(NET=BASIC+HRA+DA+TA)-PF Display() Function to display all the information about the employee ~Employee() Destructor to destroy the data objects
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Given an integer basic and a character grade which denotes the basic salary and grade of a person respectively, the task is to find the gross salary of the person.
Gross Salary: The final salary computed after the additions of DA, HRA and other allowances. The formula for Gross Salary is defined as below:
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