Define a function in python that takes a string and returns a matching string where every even letter is uppercase and odd letter in lowercase
String Manipulation - Python
We will be first taking in the user input of the string.
We need every odd letter lowercase and every even letter uppercase. Since we only want to alternate letters, we must do something if special characters, numbers or spaces are present in the string.
We can create a string containing all of these, and ignore them as we are going through the user string.
We would keep a separate letter count, which would increment only when letters are found.
Here's a program code, which does the required job.
# Python Program to take a string input
# and to return a matching string where
# every even letter is uppercase and
# every odd letter is lowercase
string = input("Enter a string: ") # Take User Input
def manipulateString(string): # The Function
newstring = "" # Create an empty string
# We will only consider letters and
# ignore special characters and numbers
ignorelist = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~0123456789"
# We must keep count of letters for even and odd
lettercount = 1;
# Iterate a loop over the characters in string
for character in string:
# If character is a special character,
# simply add to newstring and continue
if(character in ignorelist):
newstring += character
# If character is a letter, then check even/odd condition
if(lettercount % 2 == 0):
newstring += character.upper()
newstring += character.lower()
lettercount += 1 # Increment letter count
return newstring
# Print out the final required string by calling the function
print("The matching string is:", manipulateString(string))
def myfunc(string):
char_count = 0
sb = []
matching_string = ‘’
while char_count < len(string):
if char_count % 2 == 0:
return matching_string.join(sb)