define absolute refrac index. what happens to the velocity off ball when thrown into a bucket full of water.
The absolute refractive index is defined as the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum and in the given medium.
Relative refractive index: When light travels from one medium to another medium, then the refractive index is known as the relative refractive index. Absolute refractive index: When light travels from vacuum to another medium, then the refractive index is known as the absolute refractive index.
The factors that will determine the quantity of water that will come out from the bucket
The Mass of the ball
The volume of the ball
The velocity with which the ball strikes the water surface
If you are dropping the ball velocity can be calculated on basis of the height you are releasing the ball from
I will elaborate on point 3
The velocity is important as it will determine not only the initial displacement volume of water but also the water that will leak off due to the waves generated by the ball disturbing the water