define adjective and preposition and this type and various example
Defination of Adjective and Preposition
Adjective - Adjective is a word which gives some information about the noun.
Preposition - A Preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else.
Different Types of Adjectives and Prepositions
Different types of Adjectives :-
✏ Descriptive Adjectives
✏ Quantitative Adjectives
✏ Proper Adjectives
✏ Demonstrative Adjectives
✏ Possessive Adjectives
✏ Interrogative Adjectives
✏ Indefinite Adjectives
✏ Articles
✏ Compound Adjectives
Different Types of Prepositions :-
✏ Simple Prepositions
✏ Double Prepositions
✏ Compound Prepositions
✏ Participles Prepositions
✏ Phrase Prepositions
Various Examples of different types of Adjectives and Prepositions
Examples Of Different Types of Adjectives :-
✰ Descriptive Adjectives
→ I have a fast car.
→ The hungry cat is crying.
✰ Quantitative Adjectives
→ They have three Children.
→ You should have completed the whole task .
✰ Proper Adjectives
→ I love KFC burger.
→ Chinese Peoples are hard workers.
✰ Demonstrative Adjectives
→ This car is mine .
→ These Cats are cute .
✰ Possessive Adjectives
→ My car is parked outside.
→ His cat is so cute.
✰ Interrogative Adjectives
→ Whose car is this ?
→ Which game do you want to play ?
✰ Indefinite Adjectives
→ I want few moments alone.
→ I gave her few candies.
✰ Articles
→ The cat is afraid of me.
→ An electronic product should always be handled with care .
✰ Compound Adjectives
→ I saw a six- foot- long snake.
→ I broken -down the sofa.
Examples of different types of prepositions :-
✰ Simple Prepositions
→ She came home with her homework.
→ The did jumped out while the car is moving.
✰ Double Prepositions
→ The child hid inside of the cabinet.
→ The dog jumped out of the moving car.
✰ Compound Prepositions
→ Her beauty is beyond imagination.
→ The children ran around the bench.
✰ Participles Prepositions
→ Every detail regarding the meeting was true .
→ Players were given refreshments.
✰ Phrase Prepositions
→ The people with whom I met at program are friendly.
→ We are on the way to California.
❥ @amritamohanty1472
define preposition with types and examples?
- Preposition our words placed before a noun or pronoun. They show the relationship of the noun which the other parts of a sentence.
Example: The principal commented on the performance of the students.
Types of Prepositions:-
Based on the function perform, preposition can be of Several types.
Prepositions of time give information about the time when the action in the sentence take place.
Example:-- we are going to Rajkot for a family trip on Friday.
●Some other common preposition of time are during, before, after, till, by and within.
Preposition of place show the position of the person, place, animal or thing reffered to by the noun.
Example:- our uncle has been in California for the last ten years.
●Some other common prepositions of place are are over, under, above, below, opposite, near, behind, between and beside.
Preposition of movement and direction show the movement to and from a place or the direction which is to be taken.
Example:- We decided to climb up the stairs instead of taking the lift.
Define adjective and its kind with example?
- An adjective describe, identify or quanfies a noun or a pronoun. Adjective describe noun or pronoun by giving some information about a person's or an object size, shape, age, colour Origin or material .
Kinds of Adjectives:-
Adjective can be of different types depending on the type of information they give about an noun or a pronoun.
Adjective of Quality:-
- Adjective of Quality describe the quality of a noun it's shape, size, colour, state or condition.
- Neeta does not like the smell of ripe jack fruit.
- The boy wearing a blue jacket is my brother.
Adjective of Quantity:-
- Adjective of quantity specify the quantity of the noun being talked out.
- I have many friends.
- There is enough food for everyone.
Demonstrative Adjectives:-
- Demonstrative adjectives are used to point out a specific noun or pronoun. The four demonstrative adjectives are this, that, these and those.
- Those bananas are ripe, while these ones are raw.
- That question has a simple answer.
Interrogative Adjectives:-
- Interrogative adjectives are used to ask questions and are always followed by a noun.
- Which topic are you going to talk about?
- Whose papers are you checking?
Possessive Adjectives:-
- Possessive Adjectives indicates ownership or possession and always comes before the noun.
- Their children live in USA.
- Her son is studying in chennai.
Adjectives of number:-
- Adjectives of number indicates number of the noun.
- Some people like red more than black.
- Each student was given a kit.