English, asked by akshay225, 1 year ago

define all the poetic and literary devices


Answered by Craghopper

ALLITERATION - is the repetition of initial consonant sounds.  

ALLUSION - is a direct or indirect reference to a familiar figure, place or event from history, literature, mythology or the Bible. 

APOSTROPHE - a figure of speech in which a person not present is addressed.

ASSONANCE - is a close repetition of similar vowel sounds, usually in stressed syllables.  

ATMOSPHERE / MOOD - is the prevailing feeling that is created in a story or poem.

CACOPHONY - Harsh sounds introduced for poetic effect - sometimes words that are difficult to pronounce.   

CLICHE - an overused expression that has lost its intended force or novelty.

CONNOTATION - the emotional suggestions attached to words beyond their   strict definitions.  

CONSONANCE - the close repetition of identical consonant sounds before and after different vowels. 

CONTRAST - the comparison or juxtaposition of things that are different

DENOTATION - the dictionary meaning of words.  

DISSONANCE - the juxtaposition of harsh jarring sounds in one or more lines.

EUPHONY - agreeable sounds that are easy to articulate.  

EXTENDED METAPHOR - an implied comparison between two things which are essentially not alike. These points of comparison are continued throughout the selection.

FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE - Language used in such a way as to force words out of their literal meanings by emphasizing their connotations to bring new insight and feeling to the subject.

HYPERBOLE - an exaggeration in the service of truth - an overstatement. 

IDIOM - is a term or phrase that cannot be understood by a literal translation, but refers instead to a figurative meaning that is understood through common use.

IMAGERY - is the representation through language of sense experience. The    image most often suggests a mental picture, but an image may also represent a sound, smell, taste or tactile experience. 

IRONY - is a literary device which reveals concealed or contradictory meanings.   

JARGON - language peculiar to a particular trade, profession or group. 

JUXTAPOSITION  - is the overlapping or mixing of opposite or different situations, characters, settings, moods, or points of view in order to clarify meaning, purpose, or character, or to heighten certain moods, especially humour, horror, and suspense. also Contrast

LITERAL LANGUAGE - what is said is based in reality without the comparisons used in figurative language.  

LITOTES - a form of understatement in which something is said by denying the opposite.

  METAPHOR - a comparison between two things which are essentially dissimilar. The comparison is implied rather than directly stated.  

METER - any regular pattern of rhythm based on stressed and unstressed syllables. 

METONYMY - use of a closely related idea for the idea itself. 

MOOD - see atmosphere

ONOMATOPOEIA - the use of words which sound like what they mean.

OXYMORON - two words placed close together which are contradictory, yet have truth in them.

PARADOX - a statement in which there is an apparent contradiction which is actually true.  

PERSONIFICATION - giving human attributes to an animal, object or idea.

RHYME - words that sound alike

RHYME SCHEME - any pattern of rhymes in poetry. Each new sound is assigned the next letter in the alphabet.

RHYTHM - a series of stressed or accented syllables in a group of words, arranged so that the reader expects a similar series to follow.

SIMILE - a comparison between two things which are essentially dissimilar. The comparison is directly stated through words such as like, as, than or resembles.

SPEAKER - the "voice" which seems to be telling the poem. Not the same as the poet; this is like a narrator.

SYMBOL - a symbol has two levels of meaning, a literal level and a figurative level. Characters, objects, events and settings can all be symbolic in that they represent something else beyond themselves.

SYNEDOCHE - the use of a part for the whole idea. 

THEME - is the central idea of the story, usually implied rather than directly stated. It is the writer's idea abut life and can be implied or directly stated through the voice of the speaker. It should not be confused with moral or plot.

TONE - is the poet's attitude toward his/her subject or readers. it is similar to tone of voice but should not be confused with mood or atmosphere. An author's tone might be sarcastic, sincere, humourous . . .

TROPE -  a figure of speech in which a word is used outside its literal meaning. Simile and metaphor are the two most common tropes. 

UNDERSTATEMENT - this is saying less than what you mean in the service of truth.

VOICE - the creating and artistic intelligence that we recognize behind any speaker.   
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