Define Amanazy.

Whats the definition of amaze?
1 : to fill with wonder : astound He amazed audiences with the power of his voice. 2 obsolete : bewilder, perplex. intransitive verb. : to show or cause astonishment The fireworks display never ceases to amaze.
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This one is actually pretty easy. To amaze is the idea that something has happened that is beyond what the speaker thought possible or would actually happen. To Cease means that something which is continuous comes to an end.
So in the expression “never ceases to amaze me” the speaker is expressing the idea that the actions of the person or object they are referencing is always surprising the speaker by doing things they didn’t think they could or would do. Sometimes, it expresses the idea that the object is constantly surprising them.
I would say that for the most part, this is used to express a positive quality of a person and is spoken by someone who is impressed and maybe even a bit enamoured with that person. It would not be uncommon for someone who is dating another person to say that “you never cease to amaze me” and mean it as a form of high compliment.
Having said that, it can also be used in a negative way, meaning the speaker is expressing that the object is doing bad, mean or rude things at a level that they are surprised at. This would be a strong expression of the speakers opinion that what the person they are referencing seems to purposely looking for new and surprising ways to mistreat the speaker.