define annuals, biennials and perennials
Complete answer: Annual plants are the ones which flower only once in their lifetime and then they die. Biennial plants are the ones which flower twice in their lifetime and perennial plants are the ones which flower many times in their life cycle.
Annual plants germinate, bloom, set seed and die all in one year. Biennial plants have a life cycle of two years so they germinate and grow one year, bloom and die the following. Everything which lasts longer than two years is Perennial, which in practical terms usually means it grows and flowers for many years.
Perennial plants regrow every spring, while annual plants live for only one growing season, then die off. Perennials generally have a shorter blooming period compared to annuals, so it's common for gardeners to use a combination of both plants in their yard
Annuals live for one year, biennials live for two years, and perennials live more than two years — from three years to hundreds of years.