define apiculture and tell the products obtained by apiculture
Rearing and management of honey bees for the purpose of commercial production of honey is known as Apiculture.This is also known as beekeeping.
A beekeeper{apiarist} jeeps bess in order to collect their honey and other products that the hive produce besswax, propolis, flower pollen, bee pollen and royal jelly, etc.
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It is the rearing, management and care of honeybees for obtaining honey, wax and other substances. four species of honeybees are reported in different part of India:-
(I) Apis florae F. (Little bee) Docile bee rarely stings.
(II) Apis indica F. (Indian bee) most commonly used for honey production.
(III) Apis dorsata F. (Rock bee) It is a giant bee
(Iv) Apis mellifera F. (European bee) best species from commercial point of view.