define article with example
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The word a, an and the which is used to indicate the specific things or the thing which u mentioned in the sentence.
- An apple
- A table
- The Mahatma Gandhi,The sun, moon, star
A and an is indefinite.
The is definite.
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The words A,An and the are special adjectives called articles...
What is the different between A and An??
A is used before word's beginning with a constant sound (b,c,d,f,g,j,k, etc.)
- A book
- A table
- A clock
An is used before word's beginning with a vowel sound(a,e,I,o,u etc..)
- An apple
- An Umbrella
- An Hourbcoz the h in hour is silent
We use The before
A singular or plural noun when it is clear/obvious which person or thing we are taking about..
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