define bacteria cell
bacteria.sing.bacterium . microorganisms made up of a single cell that has no distinct nucleus . bacteria reproduce by fission or by forming spores .
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Bacteria are small unicellular organisms.
They are found everywhere- in air ,in water , in hot springs , in the body of living organisms too.etc.
Bacteria are classified into four types based on their shapes - Coccus(circular) , Bacillus (Rod shaped) , Spirullum (spiral shaped) and Vibrio(comma shaped).
They move with the help of flagella which are hair-like structures.
They need moist atmosphere and moderate temperature for growth.
They reproduce by asexual reproduction called Binary Fission.
They can make their own food , obtain food from outside , feed on dead or decaying matter or live in the body of hosts.
Examples of bacteria are -
Salmonella Typhi etc.
Some bacterial diseases are- Typhoid , Cholera ,Diphtheria , Tuberculosis etc.