Define biodiversity and their three different levels
Biodiversity is both what makes our planet beautiful, and what keeps it running accordingly. The term “biodiversity” comes from “biological diversity,” and refers to the variety of life on Earth at all levels — genes, ecosystems, you name it. It also includes the evolutionary, ecological, and cultural processes that make sure life is able to be sustained.
Biodiversity itself has three subcomponents; the three main types of biodiversity are ecological diversity, genetic diversity, and species diversity.
According to About Bio Science, ecological diversity refers to the “intricate network of different species present in local ecosystems and the dynamic interplay between them.”
Technically, we’re all related — at least on a genetic level. Some species, of course, are more genetically alike than others, which is why you often see comparisons drawn between monkeys and humans, for example.
Within a specific habitat or region, different species can coexist. According to About Bio Science, “Species are the basic units of biological classification and thus the normal measure of biological diversity.”
Short for biological diversity, biodiversity includes all organisms, species, and populations; the genetic variation among these; and all their complex assemblages of communities and ecosystems. ...
Usually three levels of biodiversity are discussed—genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity.