define bleaching. Wht is iodine test
Bleaching, a process of whitening fabric by removal of natural colour, such as the tan of linen, is usually carried out by means of chemicals selected according to the chemical composition of the fibre. Chemical bleaching is usually accomplished by oxidation, destroying colour by…
gerund or present participle: bleaching
to make something white or lighter in colour by using a chemical or by leaving it in the sun
रसायन के प्रयोग से या धूप के कारण रंग उड़ाना या सफ़ेद करना या होना; विरंजित करना
The iodine–starch test is a chemical reaction that is used to test for the presence of starch or for iodine. The combination of starch and iodine is intensely blue-black. The interaction between starch and the triiodide anion is the basis for iodometry.
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