define cartesian plane
☆☞ [ Verified answer ]☜☆
The coordinate plane can be used to plot points and graph lines.
This system allows us to describe algebraic relationships in a visual sense, and also helps us create and interpret algebraic concepts.
jai siya ram☺ __/\__
✠Cartesian Plane
✎ Cartesian Plane is also known as X - Y Plane.
✎ It is formed by intersection of X - Axis and Y - Axis.
✎ Due to the intersection of X - Axis and Y - Axis there forms four parts in the Cartesian Plane.
✎ These part are know as Quadrants.
✎ The name of the Quadrants are :-
⓵ Quadrant I
⓶ Quadrant II
⓷ Quadrant III
⓸ Quadrant IV
Any point in the Cartesian Plane is in the from (x ,y)
Where ,
✹ x stands for x - coordinate also known as abscissa.
✹ y stands for y - coordinate also known as ordinat.
✯ The middle of the Cartesian Plane is called origin. The coordinates of origin is (0,0).
✯ Quadrant I → (+ , +)
In Quadrant I both absicca and ordinate is positive.
✯ Quadrant II → (- , +)
In Quadrant II abscissa is negative but ordinate is positive.
✯ Quadrant III → (- , -)
In Quadrant III both absicca and ordinate is negative.
✯ Quadrant IV → (+, -)
In Quadrant IV abscissa is positive but ordinate is negative.
➢ The Cartesian Plane was discovered by René Descartes.
✠Image of Cartesian Plane :-
\setlength{\unitlength}{1cm}\begin{picture}(0,0)\thicklines\put(0,0){\vector(0,1){6}} \put(0,0){\vector(0,-1){6}} \put(0,0){\vector(1,0){6}} \put(0,0){\vector(-1,0){6}} \put(3.9,-.3){\bf{+ X - Axis}} \put(-5.9,-.3){\bf{- X - Axis}} \put(-1,-6.5){\bf{- Y - Axis}} \put(-1,6.5){\bf{+ Y - Axis}}\put(3,3){\bf ( + , + )} \put(-3,3){\bf{( - , + )}}\put(3,-3){\bf ( + , - )}\put(-3,-3){\bf ( - , - )} \put(.1,-.3){\bf{(0,0) Origin}}\put(-1,8){\bf Cartesian Plane}\put(4.3,-7.5){\framebox(2.7,.7)} \put(4.3,-7.3){\bf@ BeBrainliest} \put(2.8,4) {\bf Quadrant I} \put(-3.4,4) {\bf Quadrant II} \put(-3.4,-4) {\bf Quadrant III} \put(2.8,-4) {\bf Quadrant IV}\qbezier(-1,7.7)(-1,7.7)(1.9,7.7) \qbezier(-1,7.8)(-1,7.8)(1.9,7.8)\put(0,0){\circle*{.1}}\end{picture}