Computer Science, asked by xyzxyxxyzxyz98, 1 year ago

define cateogary axis​


Answered by archanadss2811


The horizontal (category) axis, also known as the x axis, of a chart displays text labels instead of numeric intervals and provides fewer scaling options than are available for a vertical (value) axis, also known as the y axis, of the chart.

However, you can specify the following axis options:

Interval between tick marks and labels

Placement of labels

Order in which categories are displayed

Axis type (date or text axis)

Placement of tick marks

Point where the horizontal axis crosses the vertical axis

Answered by Itzmisspari03


define category axis....


A category can be anything - a name, a year, a person. The Category axis allot equal space for each category and will display data items that go into that category.

For line series, each data item will be laid over each other. For multiple column series, each column will be arranged into clusters.

The examples in this article so far had a Category axis, with proverbial company department names as categories: Research & Development; Marketing; Distribution

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