define Child marriage
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Answer: Basically child marriage in simple language means that when children's are under age of 18 they and get married ... it is know as child marriage there is one more definition it is as follow
Child marriage is the formal (or informal) marriage of a child under the age of 18 — generally the marriage of a young girl to an older boy or man. ... Forcing a young girl into marriage .Generally a girl child is force to get marry under the age of 18...
I hope it is help full to you :) :)
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child means a person who, if a male, has not completed 21 years of age, and if a female, has not completed 18 years of age. it is treated as child marriage if the contract between any two people of which either one or both parties is a child. If a male person above 21 years contracts a child marriage shall be punishable for two years imprisonment and/ or a fine which may extend to rupees 1 lakh. The same punishment will be given to person who performs, conducts or directs a Child Marriage Act.,2006. If the marriage is voided the girl should paid maintenance by male up to the age of her 18th year or up to the time she gets marriage. If the male is minor his parents should provides such maintenance. The government will take care of the children whose marriage is cancelled. The dowry and gifts are to be returned after the cancellation of the marriage.❤
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