class 6 chapter 6 ....

1. Burial
the ceremony when a dead body is put in the ground (buried)
वह धार्मिक अनुष्ठान जब शव को ज़मीन के अंदर रखा जाता है; दफ़न
2. Megalith
a large stone that forms a prehistoric monument (e.g. a standing stone) or part of one (e.g. a stone circle).
"a smaller circle of some forty ancient megaliths"
3. Vedas
any of the four collections forming the earliest body of Indian scripture, consisting of the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, and Atharva Veda, which codified the ideas and practices of Vedic religion and laid down the basis of classical Hinduism. They were probably composed between 1500 and 700 BC, and contain hymns, philosophy, and guidance on ritual.
4. Sacrifice
giving up something that is important or valuable to you in order to get or do something that seems more important; something that you give up in this way
(अधिक बड़ी उपलब्धि के लिए) किसी विशेष या मूल्यवान वस्तु का त्याग; इस प्रकार किया गया कुछ त्याग
If we’re going to have a holiday this year, we’ll have to make some sacrifices.
If we’re going to have a holiday this year, we’ll have to make some sacrifices.
the act of offering something to a god, especially an animal that has been killed in a special way; an animal, etc. that is offered in this way
किसी देवता को बलि चढ़ाई गई कोई वस्तु (विशेषतः विशेष रीति से वध किया गया पशु), चढ़ावा; बलि चढ़ाया गया पशु
to give up something that is important or valuable to you in order to get or do something that seems more important
(अधिक बड़ी उपलब्धि के लिए) किसी विशेष या मूल्यवान वस्तु का त्याग करना
She is not willing to sacrifice her career in order to have children.
She is not willing to sacrifice her career in order to have children.
to kill an animal and offer it to a god, in order to please the god
किसी देवता को पशु की बलि चढ़ाना (उसे प्रसन्न करने के लिए)
Burial = is the ritual act of placing a dead person or animal, some time with object ,into the ground.
Megalith = is a large stone and stones used to make a big structure of monument. The process of erecting megaliths began around 3000 year ago throughout the Deccan plateau, the South of India,the area of the north east,and Kashmir.
Vedas = The word Veda implies 'knowledage' There are four Vedas: Rig Veda,Sama Veda,yajura Vida,and atharva. They contain a number of hymns in praise of serval gods and goddesses. They are main source of providing information about the period from 1,500 BC to 600 B
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