define classification of animals and plants in brief
Classification of Animals
These are organisms which r eukaryotic ,multicellular and heterotrophic .Their cells donot have cell walls .Most animals are motile .They r further classified based ob the differentiation of body structure
1 Porifera (Pore bearing )
The word porifera means organisms with pores .These r non motile animals Ex Sycon
2 Coelenteraya
This is like a gastrovascular cavity in the body . The body is made up of 2 layers of cells Ex Hydra
3 Platyhelminthes
There body is like group far more complexly designed .There body r bailaterally symmetrical, triblast Ex Tap worm
4 Nematoda
Ex Round worm
5 Annelida (Segmented worms)
Ex Earth worm
6 Arthoropoda (jointed legs
Ex crockroach
7 Mollusca It has coelomic cavity Ex Snail
8 Echinodermata Ex sea star or star fish
9 protochordata
Ex Amphioxus
Plant kingdom
1Cryptograms (non flowering
2 phanerogames flowering