Define- Collenchyma and aerenchyma tissue.
Collenchyma Tissue: Collenchyma, in plants, support tissue of living elongated cells with irregular cell walls. Collenchyma cells have thick deposits of cellulose in their cell walls and appear polygonal in cross section. The strength of the tissue results from these thickened cell walls and the longitudinal interlocking of the cells.
Aenenchyma Tissue: Aerenchyma or aeriferous parenchyma is a spongy tissue that forms spaces or air channels in the leaves, stems and roots of some plants, which allows exchange of gases between the shoot and the root.
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Collenchyma is a simple living mechanical tissue. -Collenchyma is obtained from parenchyma by increasing the length of the cells. ... -Aerenchyma is a type of parenchyma mainly present in water plants. -Cells are loosely arranged to form an intercellular space. -Cell wall is made up of cellulose.