Define combustible and non-combustible materials with examples.
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Combustible substances :
Substances which burn in air or oxygen are called combustible substances.
Example :-
a. Petrol.
b. LPG.
c. Cloth.
Non-combustible substances :
The substances which do not burn in air or oxygen are called and non-combustible substances.
Example :-
a. Water.
b. Glass.
c. sand.
Substances which burn in air or oxygen are called combustible substances.
Example :-
a. Petrol.
b. LPG.
c. Cloth.
Non-combustible substances :
The substances which do not burn in air or oxygen are called and non-combustible substances.
Example :-
a. Water.
b. Glass.
c. sand.
Answered by
\green{A chemical process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give off heat is called combustion. The substance that undergoes combustion is said to be combustible. It is also called fuel. The fuel may be solid, liquid or gas. Sometimes, light is also given off during combustion, either as a flame or as a glow}Achemicalprocessinwhichasubstancereactswithoxygentogiveoffheatiscalledcombustion.Thesubstancethatundergoescombustionissaidtobecombustible.Itisalsocalledfuel.Thefuelmaybesolid,liquidorgas.Sometimes,lightisalsogivenoffduringcombustion,eitherasaflameorasaglow
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