Sociology, asked by sahilt899, 1 year ago

define communalism and give an example​


Answered by Anonymous



Specifically, communalism is the shared belief within a particular culture that promotes religious and secular isolation from another group.

<h1 style="color:red;font-family:cursive;">Example:-</h1>

In India, for example, much of the communalism (and resulting inter-group conflict) between the Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus and Christians was initially promoted by the British.


 <marquee behavior=move bgcolor =white ><h1 >Thanks♥️</h1></marquee >

Answered by Anonymous


Specifically, communalism is the shared belief within a particular culture that promotes religious and secular isolation from another group.


In India, for example, much of the communalism (and resulting inter-group conflict) between the Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus and Christians was initially promoted by the British.


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