define computer memory in 2 to 3 lines
Computer memory, device that is used to store data or programs (sequences of instructions) on a temporary or permanent basis for use in an electronic digital computer. ... Each binary digit (or “bit”) may be stored by any physical system that can be in either of two stable states, to represent 0 and 1.
The Computer Memory is used to store data and instructions .
There are three types -
1)- RAM - Random Access Memory - It is used to store the data which is of immediate use , or are currently running, If the power is lost then its data is also lost.
2)- ROM- Read Only Memory- It can store the data even if the power is lost . It can only receive and read the data but can't write.
3)- Flash Memory-Like the ROM , It can also retain the data and information even if the power is lost. It is non volatile in nature . The data on it can erased and rewritten.