Define curriculum discuss the need of curriculum what are the basic principles of curriculum construction? 2+8=10
Principle of Curriculum Construction:
The content of curriculum is determined on the basis of some academic principles which are
stated below:
(1) Aims of education and objectivity:
In farming the curriculum one should take into consideration the aims and objectives of
(2) Child-centric principle:
The curriculum should be framed according to the actual needs, interests and capacities of the
child. That means a curriculum must be child-centric.
(3) Principles of civic and social needs:
Man as a social being lives in the society. The child develops in the society. Modern
education aims at both developments of the individuality of the child as well as the
development of the society.
(4) Principle of conservation:
Man has conserved experiences very carefully for better adaptability. Education is regarded
as a means of deserving the cultural heritage of humanity. The school serves two-fold
functions in this regard- preservation of the past experiences and transmission of experiences.
(5) Principles of creativeness:
Education not only conserves that past experiences of humanity but also helps an individual
to develop his innate potentialities.
(6) Principle of forward-looking:
Education must prepare the child of shouldering future responsibilities. So in farming the
curriculum we must take into consideration the future needs of the child as well as the needs
of the society.
(7) Principle of preparation for living:
The children should know the various activities of the environment around them and how
these activities are enabling people to meet their basic needs of food, shelter, clothing,
recreation, health and education.
(8) Principle of integration and correlation:
Subjects should be arranged logically and psychologically in accordance with the child’s
developing interests.
(9) Principle of learning ability:
Every item should be learnt. An item should not only be learnable, it should also have utility.
(10) Principle of individual difference:
The curriculum should be framed in such a way that every individual can have opportunity
for self-expression and development. The curriculum should be based on the psychology of
individual difference, which can meet the complexities of modern democratic society.
(11) Principle of social relevancy and utility:
Subjects should not be determined on the basis of their disciplinary value but on the basis of
their intrinsic value, social relevancy and utility.
(12) Principle for utilization of leisure:
Variety of subjects such as games and sports, fine arts, subjects of aesthetic value are to be
introduced in the school programme to utilize leisure.