Hindi, asked by RonZachariah123, 2 months ago

Define Diophantine equation and the what is the use of it.


Answered by akshayaachu0606


In mathematics, a Diophantine equation is a polynomial equation, usually involving two or more unknowns, such that the only solutions of interest are the integer ones. A linear Diophantine equation equates to a constant the sum of two or more monomials, each of degree one.

Answered by dishasaraswat094


Diophantine equation, equation involving only sums, products, and powers in which all the constants are integers and the only solutions of interest are integers. ... For example, x = 20, y = 10 is a solution, and so is x = 20 + 3t, y = 10 + 2t for every integer t, positive, negative, or zero.

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