Define- Earth is multidimensional.
Answer:earth is a multidimensional environment consisting of many globe like realms and infinite realm beyond Antarctica
: Yes, in a sense that is completely correct. And, we will say that if you can imagine, we will say the species, that live within the earth, the core of the Earth, they are one aspect and dimension that the Earth can offer its inhabitants. Now, the Earth herself is evolving into a much higher aspect of the physical realm that is, shall we say, holding the beings upon the planet.
And, this in itself, causes chaos on many levels because, as You would experience within yourselves, when you grow and expand and move to different dimensions of yourself—purely in an aspect of seeing that there is something far greater within you that you wish to experience , you often go through upheavals and expansions within your physical beings, within your mind, within your mental acuity and that can cause great chaos within your being, within the way that you interact with the world.
And, so it is simply that experience is happening for the Earth also, because the dimensionality of the Earth is expanding from the 5th through to the 7th at this moment in time that she in herself has the capacity to hold the 12th Dimension frequency.