CBSE BOARD XII, asked by tejasnarasimha18, 3 months ago

define Eco system in zoology​


Answered by panchalisen12


An ecosystem is a community plus the environment. Ecology, which is the scientific study of the interactions between populations or between organisms and the environment, can be viewed at the level of an individual, a population, a community, or an ecosystem. Ecology at the level of individuals is concerned chiefly with the individual organism’s physiology, reproduction, and development. At the level of population, ecology deals primarily with the attributes and the various factors affecting the population. At the level of community, ecology studies the interactions between populations and community patterns. At the level of an ecosystem, ecology puts all of them together to understand how the system operates as a unit. Thus, an ecosystem ecology would be more concerned about energy flow and nutrient cycles than about individual species.

Answered by mishraarushi095


An ecosystem is a system consisting of biotic and abiotic components that function together as a unit. The biotic components include all the living things whereas the abiotic components are the non-living things. ... In essence, the ecosystem definition in biology is that it acts as the fundamental unit of nature.

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