Define employee dicipline discuss the causes of indicipline and procedure of manangement of indicipline in organisation
Various socio-economic and cultural factors play a role in creating indiscipline in an organisation. We wonder if you realise the fact that often indiscipline may arise because of poor management on your part. Insensitive and thoughtless words and deeds from a manager are potent reasons for subordinates to resort to acts of indiscipline. Defective communication by the superiors and ineffective leadership.
Causes Of Indiscipline:
The reasons could range anything from poor wages to, poor management and the communication gaps between the union and management.
The common causes of indiscipline are as follows:
1. Unfair Management Practices: Management sometimes indulges in unfair practices like:
Wage discrimination
Non-compliance with promotional policies and transfer policies
Discrimination in allotment of work
Defective handling of grievances
Payment of low wages
Delay in payment of wages
Creating low quality work life etc.