Define energy and write its units.
energy is a capacity of a physical system to do work. the common symbol used used for energy is "E". the standard unit of energy is Joule, which is symbolised by"J"
Hope this will helpful for you
I'm very sorry but energy probably does not have a proper definition.
Energy is just some physical quantity which is scalar invariant with time for an autonomous dynamical system having one or more than one independent variables.
Energy does have its own types and classifications.
However, a naive definition of energy can be given as an ability to do work.
However, this is not completely true since we also know now, that energy and heat content for a system are interconvertible.
The SI units however for energy is given as Joule And the CGs unit is given as Erg
I Joule = 10^7 Ergs which can be proved by dimesion factor analysis.