Define entropy and give example also
more disordered means more the unavailability of energy
Ice cubes and glass of water
by looking at it we immediately say that ice has more entropy because it is looks more disordered but it is wrong
In ice molecules are highly ordered but in water molecules are highly disordered. Here we have to consider the molecules

What is entropy and examples?
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Read carefully. you will understand entropy fundamentally and conceptually .
Entropy is nothing but degradation of energy.
Degradation of energy means- as energy is transformed from lets say chemical form (wood burning, coal burning) to heat energy . then this energy converted into heat becomes useless or less useful . That is why entropy of universe increases continuously although total energy in the universe remains constant.
It simple means after long time the entropy of universe will increase to such a high level that there will not be any useful energy for sustaining life of animals / humans. (No energy from sun means earth can not sustain life for more than lets say one month)
energy of lets say 100 KWH in chemical form (battery /coal/petrol) is of much better quality (grade/usefullness) than 100kwh of heat (geothermal/heated water). so higher energy is important but its quality is also important for human.
hope you got the entropy conceptually.