Define Eukaryotic cells with examples.
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Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus enclosed within the nuclear membrane and form large and complex organisms. Protozoa, fungi, plants, and animals all have eukaryotic cells. They are classified under the kingdom Eukaryota.
They can maintain different environments in a single cell that allows them to carry out various metabolic reactions. This helps them grow many times larger than the prokaryotic cells.
Features of eukaryotic cells are as follows:
- Eukaryotic cells have the nucleus enclosed within the nuclear membrane.
- The cell has mitochondria.
- Flagella and cilia are the locomotory organs in a eukaryotic cell.
- Flagella and cilia are the locomotory organs in a eukaryotic cell.A cell wall is the outermost layer of the eukaryotic cells.
- Flagella and cilia are the locomotory organs in a eukaryotic cell.A cell wall is the outermost layer of the eukaryotic cells.The cells divide by a process called mitosis.
- Flagella and cilia are the locomotory organs in a eukaryotic cell.A cell wall is the outermost layer of the eukaryotic cells.The cells divide by a process called mitosis.The eukaryotic cells contain a cytoskeletal structure.
- Eukaryotic cells are exclusively found in plants, animals, fungi, protozoa, and other complex organisms.

Eukaryote, any cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus. The eukaryotic cell has a nuclear membrane that surrounds the nucleus, in which the well-defined chromosomes (bodies containing the hereditary material) are located. Eukaryotic cells also contain organelles, including mitochondria (cellular energy exchangers), a Golgi apparatus (secretory device), an endoplasmic reticulum (a canal-like system of membranes within the cell), and lysosomes (digestive apparatus within many cell types). There are several exceptions to this, however; for example, the absence of mitochondria and a nucleus in red blood cells and the lack of mitochondria in the oxymonad Monocercomonoides species.
eukaryotic cell
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