Define -:
Fractional distillation
Separation of immiscible liquids
In two lines
Evaporation is the process of change of matter from its liquid state to its gaseous state at atmospheric pressure.
Centrifugation is the process by which the dispersed particles are separated from the dispersed medium by spinning the solution (colloidal) at a very high speed.
Distillation is the process by which the soluble components are separated from a true solution using a distillation flask and a condenser.
Fractional distillation is the process by which miscible liquids with different noiling points are separated from each other with the help of fractionating cloumn.
Crystallisation is the process by which the impurities from a solution are separated from the solution at low temperature.
Chromatography is the process by which soluble materials (which are present in very small amounts) are separated from a solution.
Immiscible liquids can be separated from each other by the use of separating funnel.