define:- fallow land
fallow field is land that a farmer plows but does not cultivate for one or more seasons to allow the field to become more fertile again. The practice of leavingfields fallow dates back to ancient times when farmers realized that using soil over and over again depleted its nutrients.
✏Define Fallow land....?
✒A fallow land is a land which is left for a certain period of time , that is no cultivation is done for a year or more. This is done for the recovery of Fertility of soil. The nutrients are recovered so that it can be used for next crop. Otherwise the land will turn barren if continous farming is done in a field.
Many agricultural methods like jhum cultivation/ shifting cultivation is associated with this, In these methods, the plants in the land is first burnt and then it is left for 10- 15 years, so that minerals of the burnt palnt can be used furyher for other plants. For this is now not in use, because burning causes pollution and in a such a populated country, it is not possible to leave a fallow land for such a long time.