Political Science, asked by WhizzKidAman, 7 months ago

Define Federalism...? ​


Answered by Anonymous



federalism refer to the existence of more than one level of government in the country in India we have government at the state level and the central level and local self government .

# not copied from internet

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Answered by Anonymous


Federalism is the mixed or compound mode of government combining the general government with the regional governments. In other words federalism can be defined as a government with equal division of power between two States. There are two types of federal governments that is holding together federation and coming together federation.

Holding together federation:- It is this type of federal government which is formed by a large country that decides to divide its power between the constituent states and the national government. Where the central government is more powerful vis - a - vis the states. Often , state save unequal powers. Some , states are granted special powers.

Example :- India and Belgium.

Like, in India Kashmir has special powers. Any person from another state cannot be the permanent resident of Kashmir. It is it impossible to buy a house in Kashmir for other state persons.

Coming together federation :-

It is that type of federation which is formed by independent States coming together of their own. They unite to strengthen their sovereignty and retain their identity and also increase their security.

All Tezaab equal powers and strong vis - a vis the government.

Example:- USA, Switzerland and Australia.

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