Define feudalism? Why did it emerge
Beginning in the late 700s C.E., large numbers of invaders raided villages throughout Europe. This resulted in a collapse of law and order, a decline in trade, and collapse of local economies. They created a system of military and political relationships called feudalism. ...
Beginning in the late 700s C.E., large numbers of invaders
raided villages throughout Europe. This resulted in a collapse of
law and order, a decline in trade, and collapse of local economies.
To counter these threats, Frankish kings needed warriors. They
created a system of military and political relationships called
Feudalism was the medieval model of government. Paying for
troops was impossible because society at this time lacked a money
system. Without a money system, collecting taxes was diffi cult.
The kings offered land or estates to warriors, also called knights
or lords, in exchange for military service. They agreed to 40 days of
service each year in times of peace and more days in times of war.
The land given to knights or lords came with peasant farmers,
known as serfs. The serfs provided the lords or knights with labor
to produce food and other goods they needed to maintain their lifestyles. The knights and lords were in charge of maintaining order,
protection, and enforcing rules and laws on their estates or manors. In exchange, serfs were given protected land to grow crops to
support their families. This economic arrangement was known as
the manorial system.
Hope it helps :)