English, asked by urvi6, 1 year ago

define following terms with example using then in meaningful sentence 1) Countable Noun 2) Phrasal verb


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Countable Noun

A countable noun is a noun that can be counted; it has singular and plural forms. We can use determiners such as a, an, the, a few, many, more, etc. with countable nouns. Examples of countable nouns are: apple, carrot, chair, boy, man, etc.


1.A boy ate an apple.

2. Samir bought a few chairs at the market.

Phrasal Verb

Phrasal verb is a verb combined with an adverb or a preposition, or sometimes both, to give a new meaning, for example go in for, win over and see to.

Example sentences: (The underlined words are phrasal verbs)

1.She takes after her mother in her external appearance.

2.The officers proceeded against the tax evaders.

3.The production has been held up by strikes.

4.The government came down heavily on smugglers.

Answered by writersparadise

Countable Noun

A countable noun is used to refer to any noun that is of a fixed quantity or can be counted. Examples of countable nouns are dogs, eggs, pens, chairs, soaps etc. A sentence using a countable noun can be given as follows:

There are six chairs in the room.

Phrasal Verb

This is a phrase comprising a verb followed by a preposition. Examples of phrasal verbs are take after, look upon, cut down and break into. A sentence that uses a phrasal verb is as follows:

I heard that Rajesh has cut down on the number of cigarettes he smokes in a day.
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