define force and write characteristics of forces
any push or pull acting on a body is known as force
characteristics of force -
1) a force can move a stationary object
2) a force can change the direction of moving body
A push or pull that tends to change in the state of motion of an object by interaction is knows as Force.
It may change the shape of an object. Forces applied on an object in the same direction add to one another and the resultant is in the same direction.
Characteristics :
• Forces are due to an interaction of at least two objects.
• It may change the state of motion of an object.
• It may change the shape of an object.
• When forces are applied on an object in the opposite direction then their resultant or net force is the difference between these opposing forces and its resulting direction is the same as that of larger force.
• If the two forces acting on an object are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction, then the net force acting on the body is zero.
• It is a vector quantity hence they should be specified by giving its magnitude and the direction.
• If the magnitude or the direction or both changes, then the effect of force also changes.