define friction, i love Darshana song, most loving song
Friction: The force that opposes the relative motion between two surfaces of objects when they come in contact. Frictional force always acts in a direction opposite to the direction of applied force.
I love darshana song and onnaka muntiri
I like kalyani and pranav jodi
the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.
Friction on rough surface :
A rough surface will have MORE friction because on the rough surface there will be more irregularities. They will cause interlocking which in turn creates more frictional force. For a smooth surface, irregularities and interlocking is less and hence has very less friction.
Friction on smooth surface :
Friction is LESS on smooth surface, hence the roller travels a greater distance on smooth surface compared with the rough surface. contact. Even those surfaces which appear very smooth have a large number of minute irregularities on them.