define grouping of objects
Grouping lets you rotate, flip, move, or resize all shapes or objects at the same time as though they were a single shape or object. You can also change the attributes of all of the shapes in a group at one time, such as adding a shape fill or effect, or an effect to a picture.
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In category theory, a branch of mathematics, group objects are certain generalizations of groups that are built on more complicated structures than sets. A typical example of a group object is a topological group, a group whose underlying set is a topological space such that the group operations are continuous.
Let C be a category and let X1 and X2 be objects of C. An object is called the coproduct of X1 and X2, written X1 ∐ X2 or X1 ⊕ X2, or sometimes simply X1 + X2, if there exist morphisms i1 : X1 → X1 ∐ X2 and i2 : X2 → X1 ∐ X2 satisfying the following universal property: for any object Y and any morphisms f1 : X1 → Y and f2 : X2 → Y, there exists a unique morphism f : X1 ∐ X2 → Y such that f1 = f ∘ i1 and f2 = f ∘ i2. That is, the following diagram commutes: