define helemhood... ?????
Helem Hood was born on 02/26/1932 and passed away at 69 years old. Helem's Reputation Score was 3.40. Shepherdsville, KY, is where Helem Hood had lived. Sometimes Helem had gone by various nicknames including Helem T Hood and Helem G Hood. Background details that you might want to know about Helem include: ethnicity was Caucasian, whose political affiliation was a registered unknown; and religious views were listed as Christian. We know that Helem was married previously. Helem's personal network of family, friends, associates, & neighbors included Angela Warren, Nicole Nally, Dewey Amundsen, Christopher Mullins and Ricky Bale. Helem's annual salary was between
$70 - 79,999; properties and other assets pushed Helem's net worth over $100,000 - $249,999.
Birthday: 2/26/1932 - 10/19/2001
Political Party: Info Pending...
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Religion: Christian
Income: $70 - $79,999
Net Worth: $100,000 - $249,999
Relationship: Married
Kids: Info Pending...