Define hemitropous ovule?
Hemitropous ovule: In this type of ovule the body of the ovule bent on funicle at 90° that means the body of ovule present at right angle to the funiculus. Example: Ranunculus, Primula.
Extra Information:
* This ovule is also called as horizontal ovule because the body of ovule is present in horizontal position on the funiculus.
* This type of ovules are also known as Hemianatropous Ovule.
* This is the intermediate type between ortho and anatropous ovules.
*Micropyle & chalaza both are present at the same line but micropyle is situated away from hilum.
There are six types of ovules which are formed in angiosperms and the most common type is anatropous ovule. ... Hemitropous ovule- The body of ovule is placed transversely at right angles to the funicle. The micropyle and chalaza lie in one straight line. For example, Ranunculus.