Physics, asked by 11Anchal1, 1 year ago

Define laws of newton's ?


Answered by Anonymous
\huge\textbf{Newton's Law of Motion :}

\textbf{1) Law of Inertia :}

It is Newton's First law.

According to it an object at rest remains at rest, an object in uniform motion remains in uniform motion until or unless external force applied on them.


\textbf{2) Law of Force :}

It is Newton's Second law.

According to it the rate of change of linear momentum is directly proportional to the external force applied.

F α dp/dt 

F = k dp/dt


p (momentum) = mv


F = k d(mv)/dt

F = k md(v)/dt

F = k ma

(As, dv/dt = a)

Experimentally k =1


\textbf{F = ma}


\textbf{3) Action - Reaction Law :}

It is Newton's Third Law.

According to it, for every action there is equal and opposite reaction. [Equal in Magnitude but opposite in Direction.]

[DERIVATION is in Attachment !!]

\textbf{F12 (vector) = - F21 (vector)}

Answered by Anonymous

Newtons first law of motion:

An object remains in a state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force.

Newtons second law of motion:

The rate of change if momentum of an object is proportional to the applied force in the direction of the force.

Newtons third law of motion :

To every action , there is an equal and opposite reaction and they act on two different bodies.

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