Sociology, asked by santoshpawar615, 10 months ago

Define life ... in 2 words


Answered by Anonymous


patience and dedication.these are the most important factors to live in society and to lead a happy life.


Hope this may help you.....

Answered by aviralkachhal007


“When i was dreaming, I did not knew it was dream until i woke up, it felt so real. But when I was awake and saw the world it felt so false and unreal”

Well, I believe that man of 21st century might have reached exoplanets but he had forgotten what lies inside him - the heart, the soul and the humanity.

The day we start attaining consciousness, we start losing conscience. This world driven by consumerism start injecting ideas of false happiness into our blank mind and fill it with false desires, that if achieved will give you false satisfaction but true Alienation.

Those days are gone when one used to be awestruck by seeing the wonders of nature or some unexpected view. The first thing that clicks false modern mind when his eyes experience something marvelous is cellphone or camera and instead of capturing the scene in heart, they take its photocopy. Our heart has unlimited storage but we have encrypted it and lost password.

20 thanks + follow = inbox.

People especially in India are so enthusiastic about college but not to learn but to get a high GPA (which i believe is false presenter of knowledge in most cases not all) which will lead them to high salaried job in some high profile cities, which according to me are nothing but the source of creating anomie(lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an individual or group) and alienation. How can closed life in a gas chamber(Delhi) be better than the open and free life in the lap of nature. How can those fake lightning of cities be equivalent to the orange and silvery, morning and night.

Then there are MNCs making you believe that, oh! you have such a great potential, but just as capitalists did they are injecting false consciousness into your mind and alienating you from your own work. How can making a automobile, make this world a better place, which is already dying of Green House Gases produced by us.

Then there is false love, false potential, false travelling, false humanity, false caring, false kindness, false foreign life and so many false’s more…

But its OK because at least one thing is real yet - DREAMS.

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