define mitakshsra
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Heya user!
communities popular in the country except Assam ,Bengal and some parts of Orissa .In this community the movement of son is born he gets all the equal rights along with his father in the ancestral property.Whenhe became an adult he can ask for a division of the family property .Under this the interest of the member are always uncertain because a change is inevitable with every birth or death in the family .
communities popular in the country except Assam ,Bengal and some parts of Orissa .In this community the movement of son is born he gets all the equal rights along with his father in the ancestral property.Whenhe became an adult he can ask for a division of the family property .Under this the interest of the member are always uncertain because a change is inevitable with every birth or death in the family .
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Mitakshara is one of the schools belonging to Hindu law. The Wikipediadictionary defines Mitakshara as follows:- The Mitakshara is a legal treatise on inheritance, written by Vijnaneshwara a scholar in the Western Chaiukya court in the 12th century.
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