define molality and normality
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❤Molality ( ) is defined as the number of moles of solute per kilogram of solvent.
❤ Normality ( ) is defined as the number of equivalents per liter of solution.
Answer: Of Molality.
Molality(m) is expressed as moles of solute dissolved in 100g that in 1Kg of solvent it is denoted by m.
Explanation: Of Molality.
It is calculated: -
For Eg :- Molality of Sodium Hydroxide is 1m .
Explanation of eg :- It means that 1 mole solute Sodium Hydroxide is dissolved in 1L of the Solvent Water.
Answer: Of Normality.
Normality are the number of gram equivalence present in 1L of the Solution.
Explanation: Of Normality.
It is calculated: -
For Eg with explanation :- Determining the normality of 0.13181 mol of same compound t
i.e., Sodium Hydroxide. which is dissolved in 300 mL solution . Equivalent Solute :- 0.01381 mol × 1 eq/mol.
Solution :- 300 mL = 0.300L.
Normality = 0.1381 × 1 eq/mol 0.300L.
Therefore, Normality= 0.460_