Chemistry, asked by Aryangupta2288, 11 months ago

Define mole what are the two things that a mole represents


Answered by prmkulk1978

A mole of substance is that amount of substance which contains same number of particles[ atoms, molecules or ions) as there are carbon atoms in 12grams of carbon 12 atom.

Since 12g of carbon 12 atom contains 6.022 x10²³ atoms of carbon.

so we can define mole as amount of substances which contains  6.022 x10²³ atoms/ions/ molecules of the substance.

Mole represents two things:

  • mole of atoms

1 mole of atoms of an element has a mass equal to gram atomic mass of the element .

  • mole of molecules

1 mole of molecules of a substance has a mass equal to gram molecular mass of the substances

Answered by SanyaBhasin

A group of 6.022×10^23 particles (atoms, molecules or ions) of a substance is callled a mole of that substance.

A mole represents two things:

1. A mole represents a definite amount of the substance. It represents the amount of a substance equal to its gram atomic mass or gram molecular mass.

2. A mole represents a definite number of atoms, molecules or ions of a substance. it represents 6.022×10^23 atoms, molecules or ions of a substance.

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