Define Mulching,Inter cropping, Contour ploughing, Shelter Belts,Rock dams??Plzz answer it quickly...And don't spam from Google ..Whosever answer is correct I will mark them as brainliest......
Mulching: The process of covering the soil to support plant growth. Contour barriers: These are barriers to slow down the movement of water down slope. Rock Dam: A small dam constructed on a drainage way. ... Contour ploughing: Ploughing along the land contours to prevent soil erosion.
*** Contour bunding or contour farming or Contour ploughing is the farming practice of plowing and/or planting across a slope following its elevation contour lines. ... A similar practice is contour bunding where stones are placed around the contours of slopes. Contour ploughing helps to reduce soil erosion.
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Mulching means to cover the soil between plants with a layer of material. It keeps roots and bulbs cool in summer and warm in winter. ... Mulching prevents water from evaporating.
Intercropping is a multiple cropping practice involving growing two or more crops in proximity. ... The most common goal of intercropping is to produce a greater yield on a given piece of land by making use of resources or ecological processes that would otherwise not be utilized by a single crop.An example of an intercropping strategy is planting one crop that has deep roots with another that has shallow roots.
Contour farming is farming with row patterns that run nearly level around the hill -- not up and down the hill. Contour stripcropping is crop rotation and contouring combined in equal-width strips of corn or soybeans planted on the contour and alternated with strips of oats, grasses, or legumes.
The prime purpose of ploughing is to turn over the uppermost soil, so bringing fresh nutrients to the surface, while burying weeds and crop remains to decay. Trenches cut by the plough are called furrows.Loosening of soil can improve air circulation
shelter belts are rows of trees, usually along fence lines. They are planted mainly to protect animals or crops from cold winds, but also to give shade in hot weather. In regions such as Canterbury where there is a lot of cultivated land, shelter belts also reduce wind erosion.
Small barriers or dams constructed of stone, bagged sand or gravel, or other durable material across a drainage way. Purpose: To reduce erosion in a drainage channel by restricting the velocity of flow in the channel. dams are used primarily to control water velocity, conserve soil, and improve land.