define parallel and reticulate venation
Parallel venation-
When veins are arranged parallel to one another all over the leaf blade or lamina, then it is known as parallel venation.
Reticulate venation-
When veins shows network or web-like arrangement all over the leaf blade or lamina, it is known as reticulate venation.
The arrangement of veins and veinlets on the lamina of a leaf is called venation. There are two types of venation, reticulate and parallel venation.
Reticulate venation: in some leaves, the veins and veinlets are irregularly distributed over the entire lamina, forming a network. Such leaves are said to have reticulate venation. For eg., grass, wheat.
Parallel venation: in some leaves, the veins and veinlets run parallel to each other. Such leaves are said to have parallel venation. For eg., rose, mango.