Define picture tools format
Group/Button Description
Adjust Group
Remove Background This option is used to automatically remove unwanted portions of
a picture. Areas to remove or keep can be marked in the picture.
Corrections To change the brightness/contrast or sharpness of a picture this
option can be used. A gallery of different corrections will appear
when the button is clicked.
Color Use this option to change the color of a picture to improve quality
or match the document. A gallery of different options will display
when the button is clicked.
Artistic Effects This option can be used to add artistic effects to a picture to make
it look more like a sketch or painting.
Compress Pictures To reduce the size of the document, pictures can be reduced in
storage size. Just click this button to accomplish this. A dialog box
will appear that allows changes to be made to the compression
Change Picture When this button is clicked, the Insert Picture dialog box will
display. It is possible to select a new picture which will replace
the selected picture.
Reset Picture This button is used to discard all the formatting changes made to
the picture and restore it to the original format.
Picture Styles Group
Picture Styles Gallery This area provides a list of different formats that may be applied
to a picture. To see what each will do, just move the mouse
pointer over each of the items.
Picture Border To change the color, width, or line style of the border of the
image, click this button.
Picture Effects Click this button to add visual effects to the picture such as
shadows, 3-D effects, and glows.
Group/Button Description
Picture Layout To change the pictures to a SmartArt Graphic to make it easier to
caption, arrange, and resize the pictures, click this button.
Format Shape Task
Pane Launcher
This button is located in the lower right corner of the Picture
Styles Group. It is used to launch the Format Picture Task Pane.
Arrange Group
Position This button is used to change the position of the image on the
page. A gallery of different locations will be displayed. It is also
possible to click the More Layout Options link to display
additional position options.
Wrap Text This feature is used to apply wrapping to an image. When
wrapping is applied, text can be typed around the image. It also
makes it easier to move the image from one location to another in
the document.
Bring Forward Use this button when an image is behind another image and
needs to be brought to the front. Click the list arrow to the right of
the button to select from Bring Forward, Bring to Front, or Bring
in Front of Text.
Send Backward When an image appears on top of another image and needs to be
sent to the back of the image, click this button. Click the list arrow
to select from Send Backward, Send to Back, or Send to Back of
Selection Pane
Align Objects In order to align a group of images at the top, bottom, right, or
left, click this option. If only one image is selected, the image will
be arranged to the specified location on the page.
Group This option is used to combine a group of images so they can be
formatted and moved as one image.
Rotate Click this button to rotate the image to a different orientation. It is
possible to specify the degree of rotation.
Size Group
Crop To remove part of an image, click this button. Black handles will
appear around the outside of the image. When that happens,
move the mouse pointer to the area that is to be removed and
Height To change the height of the image, put a size in the box or click
the spinner arrows to change the height.
Width To change the width of the image, put a size in the box or click the
spinner arrows to change the width.
Advanced Layout: Size
Dialog Box Launcher
This button is located in the lower right corner of the Size Group.
It is used to launch the Size dialog box