define primary n secondary sector...with ex!!!!
Primary Sector
The primary sector serves as the foundation of all business. Think of this as the raw materials that support everything else. Mining, agriculture, fishing, farming, forestry and mining all fall under the primary sector. In developing areas of the world, the primary sector takes up a sizable chunk of the overall economy. In the U.S., though, the primary sector is seeing a gradual transformation thanks to technology. For this reason, employment has shifted in recent decades to the secondary and tertiary sectors.
Secondary Sector
Once those raw materials have been cultivated, the secondary sector turns them into products. This sector involves manufacturing and industry, which has traditionally employed a decent section of the U.S. workforce. However, employment in manufacturing has dropped in recent years, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics expecting this downward trend to continue. Like the primary sector, the secondary sector’s job growth has been negatively affected by technology, which has allowed manufacturers to accomplish more with far fewer resources.
The primary sector of the economy is the sector of an economy making direct use of natural resources. This includes agriculture, forestry, fishing and mining. The primary sector is usually most important in less-developed countries, and typically less important in industrial countries.
Manufacturing and Industry sector known as the secondary sector, sometimes as the production sector, includes all branches of human activities that transform raw materials into products or goods. The secondary sector includes secondary processing of raw materials, food manufacturing, textile manufacturing and industry.