Physics, asked by sushmita00, 9 months ago

define projectile motion_??​


Answered by Anonymous



the ways to simplify the study of two-dimensional motion by treating it as two independent straight line motions along two perpendicular directions, we apply it to analyse the motion of a projectile. A projectile is any body which once thrown or projected into space with some initial velocity moves thereafter

under the influence of gravity and air resistance alone. For example, a football thrown in air, an arrow shot from its bow, a bullet fired from a rifle etc. We can consider the motion of a projectile as the combination of two one-dimensional motions along horizontal and vertical directions. Let a stone be thrown in air, with some initial velocity ve, from the ground. Let x-axis lies along the horizontal along which the projectile moves. And the y-axis lies along the vertical direction. Then

Vo = Vox i^ + Voy j^

If Vo makes an angle with the x-axis, then

Vox = VoCosà [Horizontal speed at the time of release]

Voy = Vo sinà. [Vertical speed at the time of release]

This is shown in the figure given below. We have chosen the point of projection as origin.

Answered by alibhaalibha63


projectile motion is a form of motion experienced by an object or particle that is projected near the earth's surface and moves along a curved path under the action of gravity only. this curved path was shown by Galileo to be a parabola , but may also be line in the special case when it is thrown directly upwards.

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