Define resonance?????
in explanation
Resonance, in chemistry, refers to contexts in which one or more electrons contribute to more than one bond in a molecule, and are not considered local to any one of the bonds they contribute to.
∴A most common example is found in the resonant bonds between the carbon atoms of benzene rings. When benzene is illustrated with a Lewis structure, each carbon is shown sharing a single bond with one neighboring carbon, and a double-bond with the other. There are two possible ways of illustrating the benzene ring by this description.
∴Each of these two possible ways is referred to as a contributing structure. Neither accurately depicts the reality of the molecule, as six of the electrons are delocalized across a pi system—a combination of the contributing structures, the combination placing associated electrons at a lower energy state than any one of the contributing structures would have the electrons in.

Resonance is the quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating.